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An Evening With Psychosis - One4Review

3 stars

Set on a space station, three people are measuring ‘The Norm’.  Throughout the show we have excerpts of interviews with those experiencing psychosis read out during pauses in the action. I found the use of video cameras and visual displays somewhat distracting, as I was more interested in where they were positioned than in the visuals they were or were not displaying.

Some of the stage directions were superb but some just totally confusing. I am not sure what point (if any) they were trying to get across.  The performers jumped from persona to persona with no defining alterations and I was not clear as to who I was watching when.

Despite this it was an interesting evening, if somewhat strange. If anyone can offer any explanations please contact me.



  1. jc

    when the performers held up the interview number / date; came downstage and spoke directly to us on their own they were playing a real interviewee which was very straight foward as you seem to get during ‘pauses in the action’ .

    rest of time the performers were a ‘spaceship crew’ though action unfolded as if inside the ‘captain’s’ disorientated mind.

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