Steve Bugeja – Shiny 4 ½ **** - One4Review
one4review | On 03, Aug 2024
Steve Bugeja is a permanent fixture at the Edinburgh Fringe and can always be relied upon to deliver in his own laidback storyteller style, albeit a very funny one.
Opening with the spoilers of what we were about to hear, Steve is off and running, he is of Maltese extraction, his nana emigrated way back when and was the one who encouraged him in his fledgling comedy career, often watching sit-coms together. She also kept a scrap book of his achievements.
His early life and being a high achiever at school, he got into comedy while at Uni and his desire to write a sit-com continued. His first Edinburgh Fringe was geared towards this and although his friend’s career started to soar Steve was not forgotten and eventually doors started to open for him as he progressed to being invited to parties in his own right, rather than as his friends plus one.
To find out more, and see if he achieved his dream, felt shiny and see how a Pussy Cat Dolls Hotel room and a celebrity’s ‘bits’ fit into the story get you ticket soon.
Bugeja is a funny man with a well written hour, easily delivered and it is definitely a excellent way to spend an hour listening to his tale.
Reviewed by Geoff
Monkey Barrel Tron
13.35 – 14.35
Until 25th August (not 14th)
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