Blue Velvet - One4Review
The current penchant for adapting films for the stage is often lost on me. I am not a fan of movies, I prefer my entertainment live, so I am in the minority who could not compare this with the David Lynch original. Jeffrey Beamont, played by Josha Goddard, a would-be detective, finds a severed ear and reports the find to the authorities. Abetted by Sandy, Chantelle Moore, he sets of on a quest to find out if the chief suspect, Nightclub singer Dorothy Moore played by Suzanne Schlaefli is in fact guilty and discovers far more than he bargained for, both from Dorothy, but especially from the evil Frank Booth, played by Alex Walker. The use of two extras, they are billed as Fantastics, and a shiny blue sheet enable the basic set to be transformed radically and disguise most of the sex scenes, however with the adult nature of the piece that includes violence and some nudity, this certainly is not that suitable for youngsters. The direction is tight, the acting, especially that of Ms Schlaefli and Alex Walker, was excellent and certainly made this production one well worth seeing. ****
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