Arnold Wesker’s The Mistress - One4Review
Anyone reading my reviews knows I admire those performers who can carry a show on their own shoulders. You will also be aware of my admiration for director and performer Guy Masterson. Once again there are numerous shows under the Guy Masterson banner. The first of which I was able to see is "The Mistress" performed by Martha Lott and directed by Guy himself. Martha gave a very sensitive performance of a woman who not only talked to the tailors dummies in her design studio but gave each of them personalities to match the different traits for the moods she goes through. It was performed with such passion and reality that most women in the room identified closely with her on several occasions. The powerful emotions poured into the performance leaves her physically shattered at the end. The combination of amazing performer, superb scripts and great direction is what keeps me coming back to these shows time after time. This one is no exception it is a powerful piece of theatre extremely well performed. ****
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