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Alun Cochrane: Moments of Alun - One4Review

4 Stars ****

Alun Cochrane has steadily been building up a serious following in recent times and his sold out gigs night after night at Stand I will testify to his popularity.

Now it could be a surprising career choice for him as he claims to not really like people, but it is obvious the feeling is not reciprocated.

With a few topical references to the current affairs initially he is into his show with segments on his house move and some issues with the process, railway quiet coaches, motor home holidays, skiing and drinking all as part of the subjects he is able to talk about.

Cochrane is not confrontational; his material is well observed, written and delivered and of course is very funny. He is a natural raconteur so it seems therefore it is hardly rocket science to understand his popularity.

If there is one slight criticism that could be levelled at him that would be that he is fairly safe in his content, maybe a slight push of the boundaries would make him even better than he already is.
That said, you will not be short changed with this current set, in a real comedy club, not a converted classroom or university room.

Reviewed by Geoff

Stand Comedy Cub I Venue 5

5 to 28 August (not 15)

18:50 to 19:50

Fringe Brochure P 37

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