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Jackie Loeb: Limited Social Skills - One4Review

Jackie Loeb to me is a bit of an enigma. She is a larger than life personality that is for sure, but I don’t know where she was trying to go with this show.

jackie_loebShe certainly is a very talented musician, on both keyboards and guitar, and has one hell of a good singing voice, a talent she puts to use taking the mickey out of established singers like Cher, Macie Gray, Shirley Bassey Alanis Morrisette and Avril Lavigne, but I felt her straight comedy was not up to the same standard.

She is self depreciating to a large extent, playing herself off as desperate for a man, even going as far as stripping to her underwear in an effort to ‘pull’ someone, anyone, and needy for approval by demanding applause before the audience even had a chance to offer it. She also plays on being famous as various other things in her native Aus, including being their Prime Minister!!

I’m sure if she went entirely down the comedy-singing route, or even straight singing for that matter, she’d do a terrific amount of business, but I’m afraid the show in the current structure left me, and a large percentage of her audience looking for better fare.


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