Wil Hodgson – Straight Outta Chippenham - One4Review
If you’d asked me what material Will Hodgson would begin his set with I certainly wouldn’t have suggested the various merits of My Little Pony. To see a pink-mohawked punk standing on stage relating his fondness for Care Bears or explaining why Cookie Monster had to have his eyes moved is surprising to say the least. Following this Hodgson delivers a solid hour of stand-up, manouvering from his love of Reader’s Wives (the punk rock porn magazine) to the various political viewpoints of some of his fellow Chippenham residents. He ploughs through his material, only pausing to let the laughter play out. Although it’s all interesting stuff he seems to lose some of this laughter somewhere in the middle of his set. Luckily it picks up again and he ends on a high note with some biting political observations. A good, solid show from a Fringe regular. ***
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