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Clint’s Reality - One4Review

4 Stars


On entering the Belly Button auditorium, the elaborate set is noticeable. It consists of 4 doors, 2 sofas and a drinks bar. Billed as a farce, there is a strong suspicion they will figure in the action.

The main character is the high profile Clint Resolute, Head of a Reality TV Company, and adept at media manipulation. However, his popularity and private life appear to be collapsing. Holly, a reporter, has uncovered evidence that he has rigged a reality show. Amanda, the girl he is having an affair with, turns out to be the winner. Priscilla, his wife, wants a divorce. His son and the show’s producer, who has the documentary evidence of the cheating, have teamed up and are prepared to blackmail Clint. His PR man and creative assistant look unable to get him out of this mess.

The action builds to a final hilarious final scene when all the characters make an appearance. There is much entrancing an exiting through those doors, collapsing on sofas and even a disappearance behind the drinks bar.

The young cast of Airborne Theatre act their socks off, maybe a bit over the top at times. A good farce depends on split second and this was mission accomplished.

Reviewed by Ben

Venue; Venue Number                  Underbelly; V

Dates                                                  Vary

Times                                                 12.35 to 13.35

Fringe Programme Page Number: 239

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