Phil Jupitus’s Quartet – Made Up - One4Review
Now Impro comedy is anything but new. ‘Whose Line is it Anyway’ paved the explosion some years ago on TV and it was a main stay of many a Fringe since.
Phil Jupitus, TV Presenter, deejay, comedian and almost everything else has joined forced with three masters of this art namely Andy Smart, Steve Steen and Steven Frost to provide an hours entertainment for those assembled in Gilded Balloons cavernous Debating Hall.
There was nothing new about this, the quartet responding to audience suggestions and playing a variety of well tried and established ‘games’ for the hour.
Okay, as with most impro, some bits worked better than others, but at least with these experts there was a fighting chance that nearly all would be funny, and they were.
A gentle afternoon’s fun is certainly on the cards each time they perform and judging by the audience reaction was extremely well appreciated. The quartet seemed to be enjoying themselves too Sometimes the well tested route really is best.
Reviewed by Geoff
Gilded Balloon Debating Hall V14
Until 28th (not 23,26)
15:30 to 16:30
Page 133
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