Zoe Lyons – Pop-Up Comic 4 star **** - One4Review
one4review | On 10, Aug 2013
Zoe Lyons is a comic that has been popping up at the Fringe regularly for quite a few years now as well as always being on the road which is the starting point for section of observational material about the perils of hotel bedrooms.
She also pops up on TV occasionally on the likes of Celebrity Pointless and University challenge but in her often self-deprecating style she claims is because she is available not a celebrity.
Zoe does have a wide range to her well observed and impeccably delivered stories, swimming pool changing rooms, her brother’s wedding, bears, halibuts, her image stolen for an internet dating site and sale cloths are all subject that she talks about during her hour, together with a number of local references.
Ms Lyons is a thoroughly professional comic, she is a genuinely funny lady with solid material and one I try to make a point of seeing when she is in town. Although she seeks a measure of audience involvement is non-threatening in any way and can always be relied upon to deliver a value for money show so why not pop up to see for yourselves
Assembly Rooms Studio 1
Until 25 August
!7.00 to 18.00
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