Jamie Dalgleish: From Buckfast to Middle Class 3***and a half - One4Review
one4review | On 16, Aug 2018
Mr Dalgleish has a Glasgow accent and good diction. This means that he can retain his accent and remain understood. He seemed a little too apologetic about some lines which he seemed to feel were met with opprobrium rather than laughter. He has both the charm and the ‘aggressive’ (his word) accent which meant he could have successfully battered on through the set with much less regard for his audience’s sensibilities. Coupled with checking his watch and set-list notes (which seemed to send the show off in a completely different direction), Jamie came across as less self-confident than he should be, especially given the quality of his material.
Jamie does observational comedy about his drift from being working class to middle class, and his life growing up in the east end of Glasgow. His material varies in strength, but is generally good, and his interactions with the audience are similarly mixed. It’s definitely not a slow hour, and the pace of his speech and of the show contribute to keeping things interesting.
Fun, irreverent comedy.
Reviewed by Laura
Stand 3&4, 16:45
Until 26th
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