Kate Lucas is Selling Herself 3*** - One4Review
one4review | On 17, Aug 2019
Kate Lucas is a musical comic and has been told she needs to sell herself more. All the social media hype of making oneself a brand doesn’t sit well with her. She has little confidence to do it herself. Until now. She has decided to take it on board… Literally.
She is also an appealing nice comic who has a wicked line of catchy songs that are peppered throughout her hour, I especially liked the one about the ‘coder’
Like a few others she has a different stage persona than in ordinary life, and cites situations where not being good at life has bitten her, specifically going to appointments.24 hours late because she’s mucked up her phone.
Kate sets in a meat auction where she literally tries to sell advertising space on her body, each part allocated to the highest bidder. When all the total are added she seems genuinely delighted with the sum raised, even if a trifle surprised.
All in all, for me the songs were stronger than the stand-up, and her bubbly personality is a definite asset. This is a pleasant way to spend an hour.
Reviewed by Geoff
Just the Tonic at the Tron
18.20 to 1920
Until 25th
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