Robert Dubac's The Male Intelect: An Oxymoron - One4Review
Apologies to those familiar with the figure of speech, but an oxymoron is defined as the combination of contradictory words to form an expressive phrase. Knowing this, gives an idea where Robert Dubac is coming from. The male intellect, he suggests, is a contradiction. Give males food, sex, money and power, what more do they need? What women want is a completely different and a much more complex scenario. He produces answers in a witty and erudite way, but you have to listen very carefully to appreciate the nuances in his thinking.
He explores in an easy, laid back manner the differences in the male and female personalities, for example, the different ways of communicating, verbal and non-verbal. He plays a range of characters and situations, the most interesting of which is the dialogue between the feminine emotional side of the male and his 90% male doing side.
His finale is a funny surprise, which I won’t reveal, given the almost academic approach of his delivery, indeed, a blackboard forms his main prop. Robert Dubac’s subtle style means his humour is not always direct and obvious, but he does take the audience on an absorbing human journey and arrives at interesting conclusions.
One final point, Robert Dubac should be playing to a larger audience than I saw on the afternoon of this review. Perhaps, the title is off putting – maybe substitute the oxymoron with ‘female desire’. This might be more eye catching and still reflect the content of the show.
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