Breakfast Bedlam, Live! - One4Review
I found this a confusing how, even from entering the venue. This play obviously draws its inspiration from Ministry of Mayhem, SMTV Live etc as high energy Saturday Morning kids show. We have jealousy between the two main presenters, dippy dolly Donna and disillusioned Dick, or Richard as he prefers to be known, an eccentric stage manager Ronni, who has a sexual preference for dwarfs and poor Melissa , a new girl thrown into the deep end. The show, both the fictitious one, and this one runs into all sort of problems, both not really seeming to know what direction it is heading in. Events are not helped by the inclusion of a quasi-Nazi boyband to fill in one of the slots left vacant or their inclusion of a link to a similar kids show from eastern Europe This was an excellent idea, but for me just missed the mark. **
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