Kid-Simple: A Radio Play in the Flesh - One4Review
Billed as a ‘ Radio Show in the Flesh’, and there are certainly parts that are just that, this show is for me was anything but Kid Simple. Unfortunately at the show I attended, I could obtain no programme, so I apologise for not having the actors names, commences with an ‘ All American Family’ gathering together to listen to a radio show. Their daughter is a scientific genius and who subsequently invents a device that can hear inaudible sounds, which she calls The Third Ear. This invention gets stolen by criminals and her journey to retrieve her creation begins. This is also somehow linked to the radio play, very cleverly and inventively augmented with live sound effects. Who would have thought that the sound of a heart breaking could be produced by a hammer hitting a cabbage for instance? The costumes were interesting, as was the use of puppets at times but this play was way to surreal for my palate, and whilst I can applaud the performances of the actors and some of the devices used, it really was not my thing. One or two comments I heard on leaving the theatre were that I was not alone in finding the meaning obscure, but if this sounds like you sort of thing, give it a try. At worst you’ll see something very different, but well presented. **
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