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Everyone Should Have A Gun - One4Review

A tense drama played against a plain black backdrop. Two females appear. They are both in black, having a similar appearance and linked together by elastic cord. They don’t who or where they are, or indeed why they are there trapped in this enclosed space with no external contact.   They have no previous memory. This scenario provides an intriguing opening. There is discord between the two personalities as each criticises the others looks. As the play develops the criticism becomes harsher. Interrupting the dialogue periodically, there is a frighteningly loud dark wind like noise. As the play moves to a conclusion, this powerful external noise draws more energy out of their bodies sucking the life out of their systems. This has the effect of drawing the two closer together. The final scene is moving and the explanation of their origins may become apparent right at the last moment of the play. Actresses Laura Taylor and Hayley Shillito give strong and dramatic performances. The play is a new work written and directed by Philip Stokes. It is mysterious and gripping.                                                                           ***

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