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Chelsea Hart: Damet Garm – How I Joined a Revolution 5***** - One4Review

Chelsea Hart: Damet Garm – How I Joined a Revolution  5*****

| On 08, Aug 2023

This is Chelsea Hart. During the dark pandemic times, I briefly joined Tik Tok and discovered Chelsea. It was the one where Chelsea gave a standing ovation on women’s bodies, “your body is a miracle and a combination of the best of everyone before you”. Then, I skipped past the algorithm and discovered they were a stand-up comedian and a social activist.

“Damet Garm” is Persian for “May your breath stay warm”, one of the most empathetic phrases you can say to wish ever long health and happiness to someone and your community. Chelsea described this show as one of their best works and expressed to me they are deeply proud of it.

Alaskan born; Chelsea became a comedian on the British comedy circuit after touring across Europe as a street performing opera singer. They share the tumult they faced while navigating past abusive relationships and throw in some great chat about being non-binary and help those who aren’t so sure how to use pronouns.

The seasoned comic and unexpected western activist who speaks against the IRGC, has stopped millions of Iranian people in their tracks. By no means that Chelsea is unassuming, their energy takes us through a journey from the raw ground in Iran and right back to our own ever increasingly polarising political climate here in the west.

With the power of wit, Chelsea delivers a taster into the loving and generous culture of normal Iranian communities, who have no choice but to endure the ruthless regime. I am married to a half Iranian, and I still learn new things about the Persian culture. Chelsea’s performance showed me to never turn down the kindness my father in-law pours on us when gifting items that he’s found on his travels about town or the old spanner he’s pulled out of the press that he no longer needs.

Do you know what kotlet is? There are many recipes on the web, but for now let Chelsea open the door into one of Iranian people coping mechanisms: dark humor. I’ll leave this for you, go and discover for yourselves.

This show is for everyone, and Chelsea extends their invitation to westerners to learn more about the beauty of Iranian people and the culture.  Chelsea’s passion for social action and speaking out reminds me of the late Sinéad O’Connor. Prepare yourself for an evening with an exceptionally engaging and fascinating storytelling activist.  


Reviewed by Jen

Gilded Balloon Teviot (Sportsman)

19:40 (1hr)

Until 2nd – 27th August (not 14th)


  1. Ali

    Chelsea Hart is an amazing commedian and her performance is awesome. I love her because of her talent and her personality.
    GO Chelsea Go

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