Hamlet Q Jones - One4Review
The Musical True Crime Story of a really Depressed American Teenager and his extremely Dysfunctional Family
Los Angeles’ HWS Rembiko Project has been a favourite company of mine since Geoff saw Night Swimming in 1999. I was hooked after seeing Pirates of Penzance County USA. Over the years I have followed the company and got to meet Artistic Director and Excecutive Producer Eric Schrode. As with previous years Eric has taken well-known literary tales and adapted them bringing the subject matter up to date and adding his own unique twists. One of his particular signatures is the inclusion of pop songs as part of the story and for me Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen was an ideal climax for his version of "Hamlet Q Jones". With 17 of a cast and a band of 11 we have a whole lot of very talented people on stage. Each performer seems to be cast with great care as to the matching of the characters and personal ability. Although the words and plots are familiar, the settings and reworkings are always unique I often wonder whether Eric is a genius or whether he is merely mad. Hamlet Q Jones is a very enjoyable show and it is obvious the students are putting in 110%. Get top see it if you can as who knows which of the cast members will go on to Hollywood! or beyond! ****
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