Pierre Novellie is Anxious Peter 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 11, Aug 2015
Pierre Novellie is a commanding figure as he hits the stage, well over 6ft tall and oozes presence. And this is before he has even started his show.
He is relaxed in his delivery of well-crafted and funny material starting with his name and origins , his early life in South Africa and a childhood career, Novellie moves through children’s TV, his slightly obscure degree, family dating and pizza.
He has a multitude of well observed anecdotes, some delightful flights of fancy and paints almost tangible images with his descriptions. His story on sending Christian monks to Scandinavia nearly brought the house down for example, but other excursions into 24hr convenience stores, dating site Tinder, sash girls and exercise are also noteworthy. However it’s the pizza and Chinese food sections that made me laugh most.
Novellie claims to be anxious in his show title. This doesn’t come across in his style, he has no need to be anxious about his career either, because if he keeps delivering the goods like he always has his future is assured.
Reviewed by Geoff
Pleasance That
Until 30th August (not 18)
21.30 to 22.30
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