Yeti: An Abominamusical - One4Review
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD) is one of the main sources of theatrical talent in Scotland. It is more and more taking in international students and is also committed to championing new musical writing. ‘Yeti: An Abominamusical’ is written by Grant Olding & Toby Davies, it emerged out of workshops with this group of students. “A tale of conspiracy, love, an awful lot of snow, and a very big footprint….” What compels a group of mismatched characters to go on a perilous journey to the rooftop of the World? We have a scientist who is searching for his father, his female assistant whose cure for cell regeneration he has poo- pooed. An Indiana Jones character who brought the initial correspondence to the scientist proving his father is not dead. The strange and mysterious ‘Brotherhood of Five’ whose numbers are down to four, to increase their numbers they kidnap the most brilliant mind available, lock her in a cave to decipher the writing on the wall and hopefully solve the riddles within a month. Two thrill seeking lovers their photographer and priest in search of the most extreme wedding possible. Not to mention the Yeti itself. With no programme available I have no names for either the characters or performers. This is a thoroughly enjoyable musical and I hope to see the second offering from RSAMD ‘Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens’ performed on alternate nights with Yeti! ****
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