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Steve Williams – Binge Thinking - One4Review

Most people are aware of the term ‘Binge Drinking’ the effects of excessive alcohol. So why a show called  ‘Binge Thinking’? In January talented Welsh comedian Steve Williams did two things, he started to write his Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2007 show and he stopped drinking. He discovered that his mind, which is prone to go off in tangents at the best of times, was now doing this at the speed of light, which for this normally sedate man was a bit of a shock to the system. Out of this state he developed this show. One of the topics he covers is tartan, he has deduced that kilts were an early form of bar-coding, making sure Scots people are in the correct place at the right time. He also has a lot to say on the positioning of men at the urinals. He would also like to replace car horns with whale music and he also covers England’s earliest recorded terrorist Guy Fawkes. He has also been discussing feeble’s, but meaning foibles, pronounced fur balls, you have to hear him to get it. I have seen Steve before and enjoyed him very much but he is certainly growing and developing as a performer. This show is all new material and I found most of it absolutely hilarious, the rest was funny but once again several sections will remain with me for some time. Stephen deserves to become as famous as Daffodils, Leeks and Harry Seacombe, This is an ideal opportunity to see him before he does. ****

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