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We Will Rock You - One4Review

Under the banner of the Schools version Gordonstoun school present their interpretation of the musical ‘We Will Rock You’,  the musical by Queen and Ben Elton. The story is loosely woven round the songs sung by the late great Freddy Mercury in the rock group Queen. I had been fortunate enough to see an adult version and a schools version fairly recently and fell in love with the show. It was therefore with a sense of great expectation I was looking forward to seeing this show during the Fringe. Sadly despite Gordonstoun’s reputation and the inclusion of past pupils some of which are successful performers in their own right, I was very very disappointed. The set was intriguing and looked full of promise but as soon as the swarm of ensemble members squashed on to the stage warning bells started. I had hoped the main characters would rescue me but this time technical faults kicked in and radio mikes failed rendering the singers vocally silent, or as good as. Some of the directorial and choreography ideas were genius and Id like to see them utilised in other productions. The one shining light that evening was the superb voice of Will Irvine as Britney, there were occasions when he could be heard clearly and that was a joy. I did however seem to be on my own in these feelings as the packed house clapped, cheered and joined in many of the songs. At the end of the performance praises were being sung about the show all round me. I do however look forward to seeing the show again in the future. ***  Generous because of audience reaction.

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