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Rhod Gilbert: The Cat That Looked Like Nicholas Lyndhurst - One4Review

Geoff has been going on about Rhod Gilbert for years. Recently you can’t turn on the TV without seeing him. I had seen him in the passing most Fringes for the past few years but this was the first time I actually went to see his show. Now I expected a Welshman to be fairly laid back, but not Rhod. From his first second on stage to his last he was non-stop, I know he complains about the fact reviewers say he is constantly ranting and raving about things but that is basically what I saw. The thing is he is vocalising things most of us only think.  I am sure he runs on Duracell batteries as he just kept going on and on and on long after most comedians would have stopped. I had an absolutely fabulous time, but am sure I missed several gems as we were all laughing so much and he kept sneaking in little extra points. Thanks to his current TV appearances his shows are either sold out or are selling out tickets are like gold dust but get to one of his extra shows if you can.   *****

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