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Laurence Owen: Lullabies of Pervland 3*** - One4Review

Laurence Owen: Lullabies of Pervland 3***

| On 13, Aug 2014

Mr Owen is a very good musician, as he demonstrated in this show, which comprises of songs and musical interludes (about Star Wars and Disney women). It’s definitely perveland Laurence sings about, though nothing too hardcore or explicit.

This show started really well, and in general the songs are funny and both the words and music well-written (though the musical interludes may have lost the audience a little). However, it’s difficult to grab an audience into musical comedy, since the usual (stand-up) techniques of talking to people and making them do silly things don’t really work. As a result, it can be a bit like going to a gig where you don’t know the tunes or the words.

Some individual songs stood out. I was particularly impressed with the playing of the Doctor Who theme tune, and I think his Fringe song should be adopted as the official anthem.

Reviewed by Laura

Fingers Piano Bar (Venue 186), 18:30

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