Phil Nichol - Twenty 5***** - One4Review
one4review | On 06, Aug 2016
It is becoming of any artist with an extensive back catalogue of material to at some time deliver a ‘Greatest Hits’ Package and boy does Phil Nichol have such a collection to draw from this being his 20th solo Edinburgh show.
Nichol is a director, an actor, dancer, singer and guitarist of note but it is his comedy that he is probably best known for, delivering his totally unique brand of hysterical mayhem expending enough energy to power a small town for a week in each performance.
The Assembly Checkpoint was helpless with laughter as this showman absolutely demolished the fourth wall, venturing several rows back to deliver paper hats, lick bald heads or generally play up to the front row, all the time delivering his non-stop material at an alarming rate of knots, but always with that infectious smile.
There is no point in trying to describe the experience, every Nichol gig is unique of course, it has to be lived, you just have to be there, to absorb the atmosphere he creates and of course laugh until the stomach muscles ache for they surely will.
To Phil’s legion of fans and I am included in here, this is a must see show, and if you have never seen him before well what better way to be introduced to him.
Reviewed by Geoff
Assembly Checkpoint
21.45 to 22.45
Until 28th (not 15th)
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