Fred Macauley in Conversation:- 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 21, Aug 2018
There are a lot of similar shows as this on the Fringe each year and each I guess have their merits and the popularity with audiences cannot be doubted. But not everyone is hosted by Fred Macaulay.
Macaulay has of course been a stand-up comedian for more than 30 years and he hosted a daily morning radio show on Radio Scotland so given his history this kinda show is like food and drink for him.
In the luxurious surroundings of the Gilded Balloon Museum Fred takes to the stage with some of his trademark humour, settling everyone in and getting the laughter muscles limbered up, about 10 minutes worth of this and then the first of the two guests The Pub Landlord himself, Al Murray. I suppose that when you are chatting with a friend there is an easy atmosphere and their chat was both funny and educational.
Murray stayed with him and they were joined by returning veteran Jim Tavare, performing at the Fringe after an all to long absence. The trio chatted about their history, shows past and present, again, a funny experience.
And then it was over. The hour sped by so fast, yet I guess it would in such relaxed company.
The guests change daily, so it is always possible to attend more than once and then there is the bonus of a comfy air conditioned venue too. Go on give it a try… you know you want to.
Reviewed by Geoff
Gilded Balloon at the Museum
12.00 13.00
Until 26th
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