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Lost Voice Guy : Inspiration Porn 4**** - One4Review

Lost Voice Guy : Inspiration Porn  4****

| On 08, Aug 2018

Beore the show begins we see a video of highlights from The Paralympics. An inspirational film, we think, for disabled people. No. Lost Voice Guy tells us that far from being inspirational, it makes us mere mortal disabled people, feel utterly inadequate and useless!

This indeed sets the tone as we are informed over the next hour of the reality of being disabled. There are plenty of laughs along the way but we are also reminded of the challenges facing people with disabilities. Dating can be particularly challenging when you have no voice. It’s literally very difficult to chat someone up! Of course, Lost Voice Guy does have a voice, albeit an electronic ipad controlled voice, with at least a ten second or so delay. So, for example, speed dating is out!

Lost Voice Guy, of course, famously won Britain’s Got Talent. An amazing feat for any comedian. So for a comedian with obvious limitations such as his, it truly is an amazing achievement. That is the subtle message of the show. Given basic support and help, on public transport, in the work place and with general understanding, less abled people can truly thrive and achieve extraordinary things.

Reviewed by Margot
The Gilded Balloon Teviot (The Turret)
Until Aug 26th at 16:00

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