Pierre Novellie: See Novellie, Hear Novellie, Speak Novellie 5***** - One4Review
one4review | On 07, Aug 2018
Pierre Novellie has appeared at the Edinburgh Fringe for a few years now but this is the first time I had seen his show, it certainly won’t be the last. He is a satirist and writes for a number of television programmes including Mock the Week and the Mash Report, there’s certainly been a deluge of topics for him lately although he is envious of his American counterparts who can clock off early due to their low hanging fruit.
Pierre gives you a bit background to his heritage, explaining how he doesn’t really fit in with any particular group being a South African/Manx with some Dutch/English thrown in the mix.
The show is both informative and thought provoking. There’s some history in there with the British empire and all their good works and the wave of right-wing extremism currently sweeping the world. We learned about incels, maybe I was the only one who’d never heard of them, I know now.
There is some well thought out, hilarious observational stuff covering numerous subjects including Christmas with his South African cousins, the Queen’s speech, chickens, vegans, the DUP and the up to the minute social issues they deal with, problems with the Brexit negotiations and many more.
The audience were in stitches for most of the show and Pierre deserves to be playing to far bigger crowds. His easy, very professional style of delivery and timing are excellent and he would appeal to a very wide demographic.
Reviewed by Sharon
Pleasance Upstairs 19.15
Until 26th
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