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Matt Parker: Humble Pi – 5***** - One4Review

Matt Parker: Humble Pi – 5*****

| On 14, Aug 2019

Some of the audience members first in were able to play Pacman while they waited for the rest of us to settle in. There’s something about a screen that makes Pacman a surprising spectator sport.

So this is a show with maths, comedy, diagrams, lasers, and an insistence on showing your workings (on the maths, not the comedy, thankfully!)

Topics included big numbers and junk food, mathematically accurate street signs, the problem with the number 256, clickers, aviation, checking what units you’re using, and feedback loops.

There’s so much more to describe, but for the sake of the comedy, (rather than the maths), we’ll avoid spoilers. Let’s just say I have never seen a more effective way of fitting too much material into one hour.

My only disappointment with the show is that I have to overcome my desire to give it a nice tidy 3.14159 stars, but I will resist, as it deserves a tidy 101 stars. Oh, sorry, slipped into binary there.

Reviewed by Gill
Pleasance Dome – 10Dome
20:20 – 21:20
Until Aug 26th

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