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Catherine McCafferty: (Not) That Bad 4**** - One4Review

Catherine McCafferty: (Not) That Bad 4****

| On 12, Aug 2024

Catherine McCaffertey has pizzazz and attitude and sass and brings the audience on side in about three seconds flat. She’s lovely, and very pragmatic, and her pragmatism is wielded as her comedy weapon. She’s also upfront and brutally honest in places, and that brings out even more laughter.

After the introductory explosion of hilarity the energy dipped a little, and despite my concern that an initially promising start wouldn’t be followed up, this was merely Ms McCafferty settling into her rhythm. This is a really well constructed show, and you don’t really notice it happening around you. It starts off looking like fairly light-hearted jocular stand up, but eventually brings in a fair amount of light and some quite deep shade, and Ms McCafferty handles all that with wit and humour.

And she is very funny. Granted, the topics aren’t the lightest – Ms McCafferty acknowledges this at one point and makes space for people to take space if they need it – but she does a great job of finding the humour in it. She’s also got great delivery and style, and this alongside everything else makes it a superb show.

Reviewed by Laura

Just the Tonic at the Mash House
Until 25th (not 12th)

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