How to succeed in business without really trying - One4Review
How to succeed in business without really trying
I must admit I was not particularly looking forward to seeing this production. It is not my favourite musical, and the space is less than ideal in my opinion, but go I did and am I glad I did so? You bet I am. This production was full of energy and enthusiasm and despite the limitations of exits and acting space, it had pace and they even managed some dance sequences as well The basic story traces the meteoric rise of J Pierrepont Finch, played by Sean Clothier, from humble mailroom staff to company President, by being astute and at the right place at the right time. Ably supported by Rosemary, Katie McDermott, and in spite of the best efforts of Gatch, Ben Chambers our hero overcomes all odds. Unfortunately this is on a very short run so get your ticket fast. ****
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