Howard & Mimi - One4Review
Have you ever wondered what your pets would say if they could talk? Well Mimi is a typical cat, aloof, self-willed and very vocal if she doesn’t get her own way. Imagine the hilarity if a dog were to move into her space. Never mind that he is gentle loveable and easy going if a little smelly. The thing is thanks to the vivid imagination and literary talent of Caroline Gold we can sit back, relax and laugh as the two fight like cat and dog. I enjoyed ‘Clinically Famous’ but for me ‘Howard and Mimi’ has that little edge, which enhanced my enjoyment. Her clever narratives seem to fit in perfectly with my way of thinking. The two stars of the show Dan March and Natalie Haverstock portray their characters with a depth of insight it is almost scary. Dan’s typically male slobby yet loveable ways contrast with Natalie’s feline independence beautifully. The battle of wills finally end in a grudging acceptance of each other. This is a fabulous show well written, cleverly directed and superbly performed. Whether you lean towards Canine or Feline emotions this is a show to get your teeth in to! ****
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