The Virginia Monologues: Why It's Great To Be Old - One4Review
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4 stars
Author and journalist Virginia Ironside performs a show which is delightfully and unashamedly ageist, mocking the under 60’s. If you are a 65 year old granny, you can get away with non political correctness. The audience, predominantly female, were of the right age to empathise with the ideas and opinions she expressed.
She begins by debunking the euphemisms that are used when people turn 60, such as the ridiculous expression the new 40, Activities like becoming a ‘holiday junkie’ are derided. In fact when she speaks of the advantages of old age she believes this is the time to do drugs, not simply the free prescribed drugs but the proper ones. Ailments, of course, provide a ready topic of conversation.
There are all kinds of treats available on your 60th birthday including free descriptions. She relishes using the word concession. Her topics are wide ranging from gardening to sex, these two activities, by the way, being given in their correct order of importance. She does treat the subject of death in a moving way.
She finishes on an optimistic note by sharing her enthusiasm as a granny. At the outset she was a trifle concerned that she might have a senior moment or CRAFT a lovely acronym for forgetfulness (clue the F is the f word) but she delivered her routine with scarcely a hesitation. For all generations this is an entertaining show and for those of bus pass age particularly reassuring.
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