Larry Dean: Scottish Comedian of the Year 2013 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 12, Aug 2014
Despite saying he’s uncomfortable with the show’s title, it’s easy to see why Larry Dean won Scottish Comedian of the year; he seems to have all the right credentials, the main one being he can make people laugh, a lot. Larry is friendly and charming and the audience take to him from the start. He has some banter with them but nothing controversial and certainly doesn’t set out to ridicule anyone other than himself.
Larry is homosexual or a bender as he likes to refer to himself; so much of his material is around this topic. Amusing tales of him coming out to his family and friends, the problems of being part of the gay scene when you are not stereotypically gay, the popularity of social media such as grindr and tinder are all relayed as if he’s with a small group of friends having a chat. He is an excellent storyteller, and one anecdote concerning his parents and their pastime of placing a bet with each other on absolutely anything is particularly comical.
The 45 minute set was over too quickly but I’m sure we’ll be seeing much more of this enchanting, personable young man in the future. The audience hoped so too.
Reviewed by Sharon
Beehive 2
21.10 to 21.55
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