Chris Coltrane: Socialist Fun Times 5***** - One4Review
one4review | On 26, Aug 2016
The world’s a bit bleak at the moment, so Chris Coltrane wants to offer some hope, comfort and comedy to get us all through it. He’s aiming to be the best comedian he can be in order to achieve this – and this is certainly the most polished show I’ve seen him perform. It has good structure and pace, and the various topics (the refugee crisis, Trump, the state of the world, political correctness, and comedy itself) were well linked into a single-themed whole.
Mr Coltrane is a socialist, but displays a well-developed sense of pragmatism about the real world application of his political views. As a result, he presents some interesting commentary on current political affairs and world issues, as well as suggesting practical actions – useful, if you’re moved but not sure where to start.
There was also much more passion evident than in previous years, and it’s this passion (as well as the eminently sensible and well-expressed views it infused) that earned him the several rounds of applause throughout the show. That and the fact he brought the audience chocolate.
Mr Coltrane is a confident, considered and respectful performer.
Banshee Labyrinth, 15:30 (free tickets at bar)
Reviewed by Laura
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