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Catherine Bohart:- Lemon 4**** - One4Review

Catherine Bohart:- Lemon 4****

| On 20, Aug 2019

Last year Catherine Bohart’s show ‘Immaculate’ displeased one lady in a yellow cardigan so much she complained that it was disgusting that Catherine talked about her sex life on stage, which she barely did. So that decided Ms Bohart that this year she really would and hoped the lady complainer would attend once more.
Okay maybe not the normal way to decide, but having done so she produces the goods with a bit of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles thrown into the mix, all five of ‘em. Yes five. She’ll explain
As a bisexual woman in a long relationship with a woman, who is a feminist, her embarrassingly sex-positive mother, lots of very frank sexual discussions Catherine crafts her show punctuated with her wicked jokes, delightful sense of humour all delivered by a quality comedian with an engaging personality.
This is a show that has a message, it has laughs by the bucket load and should be accessible to everyone no matter what their sexuality delivered by Ms bohart who has obviously a sprinkling of blarney stone on her morning cereal.
Already she has a TV profile and her popularity will only increase, except for the aforesaid yellow cardigan lady, extra shows have been added so be quick if you want a ticket.
Reviewed by Geoff
Pleasance Upstairs
18.00 to 19.00
Until 25th

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