Schoolhouse Rock, Live! - One4Review
Duluth Central High School Theatre, Minnesota present a new work to me "School House Rock Live". Myles Heistad as Tom wakes on the first morning of his new job as a teacher, unsure as to how to introduce himself to his new class. Turning on the TV he is suddenly joined by ten others who all turn out to be facets of his personality, in the style of a kids cartoon series of the 70’s, repeated in the 90’s. Jennifer Ameel, Keri Beaudry, Katie Beaudry, Jim Bushey, Adriana Fitzgerald, Emily Rounds, Addie Sandbeck, Mallory Saurer, Alexis Simmons and Morgan Swor complete the enthusiastic talented cast. I’m sure if school had been half as much fun as this show I would have learned a whole lot more and really enjoyed it! I wondered at first whether the possible differences between English and American languages might spoil the show but there wasn’t any problems at all. Except afterwards trying to explain Shortbread as a biscuit, sorry cookie and Edinburgh rock as a sweetie, sorry candy. Of all the great numbers in the show I enjoyed; ‘Just A Bill’, ‘Do the Circulation’, ‘Interplanet Janet’, actually why I started listing them all I don’t know as they are all fun. ‘The Preamble’ was special in that I didn’t remember having heard of it before, it covers the preamble to the constitution and ‘Great American Melting Pot’ describes the USA to a T as well as being different having a signed chorus. This new show is performed with such enthusiasm and flair it was a pleasure to watch. ****
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