BBC Stand UP Show Live! - One4Review
With the pulling power of the BBC behind it, this stand-up showcase attracts a nearly all of the ‘name’ performers at the Fringe each year and always boasts an impressive line-up. The format, as one would expect, is an MC and four acts and the show I saw was compared by the excellent Matt Holt, who is also appearing at The Electric Cabaret at C Cubed. Matt set the scene, warmed up the audience and introduced the acts, the first of which was Jimeoin, performing nightly at George Square Theatre. After a slow start, he gradually got the audience going with his own particular style. Second act was the vivacious Shappi Khorsandi, a shining example of what’s good in female comedy and performing her Asylum Speaker at The Pleasance. Shappi entertained the crowd royally with her set. Gordon Southern was the penultimate act. He is a busy lad, doing his own show The Solutions at Gilded Balloon and starring in Moon the Loon at the Pleasance as well. Top of the Bill was a special guest appearance from Adam Bloom. Adam is not performing this year, but on visiting Edinburgh was persuaded to do part of his act. One added extra was that following a comment on his stubble, he agreed to have this shaved live on stage if a razor could be found, and believe it or not one was, and give Bloom his due he allowed this to happen. So a great night, with a changing cast daily this show would be worth checking out more than once. ****
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