Xenu is Loose!...... - One4Review
Xenu is Loose! Cower Puny Humans as the Dark Prince of the Galactic Federation Rains Atomic Death once more Upon your Pitiful Planet – The Musical!
Xenu is Loose! Cower Puny Humans as the Dark Prince of the Galactic Federation Rains Atomic Death once more upon your Pitiful Planet – The Musical…….. Wow what a fantastic title for a show, if it lived up to half of its promise it should be amazing. And it was!!!! Amazingly bad but not even so cringe worthy it could develop a cult following. There were one or two good performances, the occasional good voice and two very talented guitarists. Other than that the script was diabolical, lyrics and music dire and costumes dreadful. In total potential cast, shame about the show. *
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