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An Evening with Ben Dover: Innocent ‘Til Proven Filthy! - One4Review

3 stars

The world of adult films is not a total mystery to me as I have seen a few in my time, but I for one had never seen anything that this veteran producer director writer and star of this genre had been involved in, even thoughhe has been in the industry for more that 30 years.

Resplendent in a grey satin suit Mr Dover proceeds to give a potted version of his life from his initial involvement, following a less than successful career in rock’n’roll, through the years, illustrated with relevant, occasionally outrageous, anecdotes right up to the present day.

We were also treated to a crash course in the industry ‘lingo’ and although I am no innocent I have to say that there was an awful lot of stuff he told us I was previously unaware of.

He certainly is a born entertainer, I’m not speaking with any authority on his movie work, though a couple of chaps sitting near me assured me of their quality, I can only comment on this show. Okay the subject matter may not be to everyone’s taste but if that is taken as a given, then from someone else it could have come over far less entertaining than it was by him.

It was an education to me, and given the number of people who were there this is proving to be a popular show, so if this is your thing then get your ticket fast.


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