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Nick Mohammed in Apollo 21 - One4Review

Given that it is 40 years since that historic moon landing in July 1969 there seems to be singularly little material on it appearing in Fringe shows I have seen this year. Not this one though. Mohammed has put together his entire performance as a sort of tribute to the mission, and aided and abetted by photos, and his ability to do character comedy even those non space geeks, including me, seemed to enjoy the performance. Buzz Aldrin is our host, the other man to land on the moon with Neil Armstrong, and we have input from Michael Collins who stayed in the command module and even a short spot from Neil’s mum, but unfortunately Armstrong couldn’t be there. He took us through start to finish of this epic journey as only he can with plenty of stops on the way. Mohammed is a very popular comic judging by the number of punters who were at the gig I attended and he has definitely put a lot of thought and research into his subject. His character work was very good also, but for me the package was just missing something. There are however many worse ways of spending an hour this Fringe and you never know you may learn something too.   ***

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