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Dream/Life - One4Review


This play is a lot less surreal that the fringe blurb might lead you to believe. It actually has a rather classical narrative structure, with a beginning, some conflict, and a resolution. After the first five minutes or so, the story is surprisingly easy to follow, and it’s easy to become engaged with the characters. There’s just enough detail on the interlocking threads of story to give the whole thing substance, but not enough to weigh it down.

Some of the company of actors are stronger than others, but all deliver their lines clearly, which is more impressive than it might at first sound since the whole play is in rhyme. This never intrudes on the sense of the lines though, but simply adds to the dream-like quality.

Last year this company produced A Hero of Our Time, and they bring the same energy to this rather more surreal (and happy!) narrative as they did to that.

Reviewed by Laura


until 18th Aug, 16:00

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