Wendy Wason – Hotel California 4**** - One4Review
one4review | On 07, Aug 2014
Wendy Wason has been missing from the Fringe for a while and it was good to see her back performing her latest show this year.
The show is centred on an incident that occurred whilst she and her husband and three children were in California last year. She highlights the differences in culture, the size of the Warner Brothers studio and in particular the way healthcare is dealt with in the States as opposed to here.
The hour is packed full of the story, images, video clips and some rather darker humour than is normally associated with this engaging comic.
The story of her husband’s illness, the worries over his condition dealing with the kids and not to mention the potential cost of the treatment and the way she coped is related with passion and feeling in such a way one could almost feel part of the experience.
Ms Wason obviously feels passionate about healthcare in this country too, with government cuts throughout the NHS. The potential costs if these cuts deepen are horrific so the message to stop this now is well driven home.
Not a show packed with gags although it is funny and entertaining throughout and certainly well worth checking out.
Reviewed by Geoff
Gilded Balloon Balcony
17.15 to 18.15