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Damian Clark: Grand Theft Damo 4**** - One4Review

| On 13, Aug 2015

This is not the show that Mr Clark was supposed to be presenting, but that’s because last Fringe he had his phone stolen, and then someone else’s photos starting appearing on his cloud storage. His search for his phone and the thief has consumed him since then, and by the end of the show, the desire to find out what happens will probably consume you too.
The story is told through projections of screenshots and photos accompanied by Damian’s animated commentary and various film references (which went over my head, but it didn’t seem to matter). Some of those photos document nudity, though a thorough check for children was performed before showing those particular shots.
Damian presents his ingenious and increasingly frantic attempts to retrieve his phone with verve and enthusiasm and a friendly stage presence. He takes you on the journey with him, and by the end, a phone I’d never heard of an hour before had become rather important.
The story is still evolving, and I hope the eventual outcome is positive.

Reviewed  by Laura

Sin, 19:45 (not 14th)

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