Joey Page: Perhaps Under Stars That Would Stretch Forever (an Idiot Explains the Universe in Under an Hour) 2** - One4Review
one4review | On 13, Aug 2018
Mr Page seemed bemused by the size of his audience. It might be because his show has had amazing word of mouth success, but more likely because it was Sunday and raining; but most people seemed to have a good time. The show starts enthusiastic and promising, but didn’t quite sustain the energy to the end, apart from the finale, which was brief but redeeming.
Mr Page claims to be a surreal comic, but I’m not entirely convinced. Perhaps ‘alternative’ might be sufficient. The show springs from a comment Joey was taken by in a deGrasse Tyson documentary, to the effect that we’re all dots in the known universe. The show is subsequently a manifestation of the distracting corners of the internet Mr Page found himself in while researching what he thought was going to be the theme of the show. This is as good an explanation as any for dinosaur conversations, pizza box conversations, Kim Jong-un dancing, and crackers, which were entertaining enough in themselves.
Some parts didn’t quite work with the unexpectedly large audience – I regrettably have no idea what was going on with the face cream, and can only infer from context about the crisps – because we couldn’t quite see. Other parts – bemoaning the success of Ian Stirling – felt a little too realistically bitter to be comfortable. Mr Page is a good performer, with the requisite skills in engaging and holding an audience, but would benefit from more truly surreal material.
Reveiwed by Laura
Just the Tonic at the Tron, 14:20
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