Sam Morrison: Sugar Daddy 4.5**** - One4Review
one4review | On 18, Aug 2022
So everyone has a Covid or lockdown story and many of the acts at this years Fringe make reference or indeed a whole show about the damn pandemic. Sam Morrison’s show, Sugar Daddy takes a very different slant as his partner of 3 years actually died of Covid and this show is his heartfelt, funny, sad and very moving tribute.
This show is a real rollercoaster as Sam takes us through how he met, loved and sadly lost Jonathan, the love of his life. He admits that this is his coping mechanism, sharing his grief with complete strangers is his outlet in this tragic tale.
Along with this, he now has a different high and low as he juggles his insulin levels every day, diabetes brought on by grief. Love is the most important thing in the world he tells us but having the correct meds and glucose levels is also up there!
Although there are some really poignant moments in this show, this US stand up isn’t afraid to spill his guts with his tales of dating, sexual conquests and disasters.
How he manages to discuss this catastrophic event without breaking down is commendable. He talks about fight or flight, well keep on fighting Sam Morrison because you’ve created a beautiful memory of someone you’ve loved and lost in the craziest of times.
Reviewed by Gavin
Gilded Balloon Teviot – Balcony
18.20 (1hr)
Until 29th (Not 22nd)
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