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Musicals 2006 Archives - Page 3 of 3 - One4Review


August 8, 2006 |

I remember Passion first coming to the West End starring Michael Ball and Helen Hobson, but was it really more than ten years ago? What I didn’t recall as that it was a Stephen Sondhein James Lappin score and … Read More

An Asylum On Every Corner

August 8, 2006 |

This new musical ‘An Asylum on Every Corner’ works on several levels. It is cleverly written, simply yet effectively set, with pleasant and varied music.  No large show stopping numbers or dancing girls just a pleasant story and a … Read More

Putting It Together

August 8, 2006 |

Admittedly a bit of a Sondheim addict, I thoroughly enjoy seeing his work done well. This company Kenspeck Theatre do a superb job. ‘Putting it Together’ is a selection of various musical numbers from different Sondheim shows, linked together. … Read More

Back To The Eighties!

August 8, 2006 |

Viva Youth Theatre from Soham in Cambridgeshire had a successful Fringe in 2006 with their production of Fame and have returned to Edinburgh this year with this feel good musical liberally laced with music from the 80’s. With a … Read More

Rob Roy

August 8, 2006 |

My immediate impression after seeing this new musical by David Warrack was the power and quality of the singing both individually and collectively. With a dozen or so performers in the cast and most of them having their own … Read More

Bat Boy!  The Musical

August 8, 2006 |

Story and book by Kaythe Farley and Brian Flemming, music and lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe, is based on an article from ‘Weekly World News’. Bat Boy was a mysterious creature discovered in a cave in 1992, various theories arose … Read More

Starship Pinafore

August 8, 2006 |

St. Andrews Gilbert & Sullivan Society’s operetta is a delight. The blend of Star Trek and HMS Pinafore really does work. The whole team are to be congratulated for staging the show in such a cramped space and to … Read More