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Theatre 2005 Archives - Page 2 of 9 - One4Review


August 8, 2005 |

It is nice to see John Godber’s ‘Bouncers’ performed by a more mature cast.  Mature in age if not personality, seeing the on stage antics. Although Godber’s show is superbly written  it allows for some adaptation and personalisation from … Read More


August 8, 2005 |

Two short plays linked by a common theme – the confusion of the roles of men and women in modern times. The first play is set in a wine bar – well thought out set design in such a … Read More

A Limited Run

August 8, 2005 |

A play about about God can be a dangerous project, but this production should not upset the religious fraternity. Andy Gray fits comfortably into the role of a very Scottish God who has given up his heavenly mansion for … Read More

Paras over the Barras

August 8, 2005 |

Leitheatre over the years have built up a loyal and regular following for their productions of Scottish comedies – the Chippit Chantie and Walk into my Parlour come to mind. This year they have chosen James Barclay’s play set … Read More


August 8, 2005 |

In the ten years that Harland Hamstrings have been attending the Fringe I suppose they have used more John Godber plays than any other playwright, and they have dusted off Teechers once again as one of their 5 pieces … Read More

Boston Marriage

August 8, 2005 |

The idea of the play by David Mamet is the expression Boston Marriage, meaning a pair of co-habiting women. It came into use in New England at the turn of the 20th century when the play was set. The two … Read More

The Forever Waltz by Glyn Maxwell

August 8, 2005 |

Staged deep within the the bowels of the Baby Belly in the smallest working area for actors I have seen in this year’s Fringe, this setting actually suits the claustrophobic feel of the play. Three characters the intense John, … Read More

Lost Property

August 8, 2005 |

Where do the things go that we loose? Are they collected in some secret corner and administered by someone ready for collection in the future? It is hard to pigeon hole this production by Tangled Feet, Is it a … Read More

Phone Play

August 8, 2005 |

Phone Play is a reflection of modern life. Have we all not faced exasperation in our dealings with officialdom and big organisations? Have we not overheard banal conversations in just about any public place? Phone play hilariously evokes the … Read More

Terrorist! The Musical

August 8, 2005 |

Bush has beaten the Terrorist, the only way they can survive is by joining the burlesque circus.  Seven of the worlds most notorious Terrorists work together and fight against each other to survive.  Each has the opportunity to say … Read More