Flanders & Swan - One4Review
I have to confess that I am of an age when I can just about remember Flanders and Swann from what seems many life times ago. I was thus interested to see if the audience was of a more mature age. It was, but this is a show for those of any age who enjoy the whimsical humour of the songs written and composed by Flanders and Swann. Tim Fitzhigham as Flanders and Duncan Walsh Atkins as Swann have created a delightful show. They perform all the favourites. Other highlights include extracts of the Mozart Horn Concerto on an instrument constructed of plastic tubing, a tubular music stand and plastic funnel ; a suggested English National Anthem which is totally non PC with the chorus line ‘English are best’. Linking the songs Tim tells stories and anecdotes in an engaging way. Closing the show they perform the ‘London Omnibus’ song and for an encore they perform the ‘Hippopotamus’ song for a second time with their own added verses. The audience naturally sing the chorus. Really satisfying entertainment and it is obvious when an audience is making for the exit it has that ‘feel good’ factor. ****
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