Gilbert & Sullivan's The Gondoliers: County USA - One4Review
After a short absence the HWS Rembiko Project are back at the Fringe with a full programme of shows. The largest production in the repertoire is The Gondoliers of County USA. One of the best ensemble groups I get to see at the Festival, I was delighted to see them back. Although Geoff discovered the company in 2002 by going to see ‘Night Swimming’, I started to go to their musicals and some other productions. Gondoliers has been redeveloped and set in the USA, adapted and produced by Drew Stocker. Our two heroes are in the Navy but nicknamed ‘The Gondoliers’, they have set the whole thing around the armed forces. With a minimal set and variety of costumes the show is a visual feast. Historically the company are very good at casting the perfect person in each role and this has continued so far. David Hyman as The Duke of Plaza-Toro provides the comical relief along with his wife Olivia Sandoval, his daughter Zoe Johnson and his attendant Kurt Kanazawa. The romance by the two Gondoliers Spencer Case and their wives played by AK Kalinowski and Ali Pechman. **** This is the first of my visits to HWS Rembiko shows 2005 and I look forward to seeing more.
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